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Dear Mama at Christmas Time

Dear sweet mama,

I know that we may not know each other.  If we passed by one another in a store we may not even make eye contact.  It’s not because we don’t want to look at each other, it’s just that we’ve got so much we are trying to remember to grab and do.  We are probably juggling at least one child and trying our best to keep them from grabbing unwanted things and throwing them in the cart.

I want you to know that even though it doesn’t seem like it, someone sees you.  I see you.

I see how you’re trying to juggle it all.  

Shopping.  Baking. Wrapping.  Cleaning. 

And I see how you’re giving it your best effort to teach your children the real meaning behind this beautiful season.  Jesus.

But it’s hard, isn’t it?

Precious mama, I want you to know that it’s okay that everything doesn’t get done.  It never does, does it?  Even despite our best efforts, something always gets left undone. 

And it’s all okay.

Because for this Christmas season my prayer for you isn’t that you get everything done.

It’s that you take moments to breathe.  That you take this all in.

My dear mama at Christmas time, I know it’s hard to stop and just be during this busy season.  I know that even when you are trying to push everything aside and be present with your family, in the back of your mind you’re still going through that to-do list. 

I get it.  I am right there with you.

But mama’s, let’s not miss this time because of our shopping and Christmas to-do lists.  Oh God, I pray I remember to breathe in these precious moments.  Help me to savor this time.

So mama, as you prepare for the busy week ahead these are the things I am praying most of for you.

I pray you snuggle up under cozy warm blankets with your kids, and hold their little hands, probably sticky from eating too many candy canes, and you breathe in these moments.

I hope you get to sit back and not worry about the mess that’s being made, and you watch your children light up with joy as they open their presents.  A joy that cannot be taken away.

I want you to soak up the smells of your mother’s home cooking and your aunt’s famous dishes.  Those smells that fill the house with a warmth and love that can’t be recreated.  For those smells won’t be there forever. 

I pray that beyond all the chaos of toys on the floor and wrapping paper everywhere, you remember The One whose birth we celebrate, never intended for you to be overwhelmed with anything other than joy and thankfulness during this sweet season.

Because our kids won’t remember that everything didn’t get done. Or that the house was a mess or that your cake never did get baked for the Christmas party. 

But they will remember the moments you create with them.  They will remember snuggles on the couch and staying up late watching Christmas movies. They will remember singing Jingle Bells and Silent Night at the top of their lungs on the way to look at Christmas lights.

They will remember that this season isn’t about us at all.  It’s about Him.  Our sweet Jesus.

So to my dear, precious mama at Christmas time….

I know you may be overwhelmed with your running lists.  I know you’re worn out from school parties and wrapping presents and helping put on the church Christmas play.

But, don’t miss this. 

Every year I look back after Christmas has passed and I think to myself, what was I doing the whole time?  I feel like I missed it.

But not this year.  This year I will be intentional about  Christmas.

I will sit down in the wrapping paper mess and play with my girls.

I will bake a birthday cake for Jesus.

I will hold my husband’s hand as we watch our girls play with their gifts.

I will sit back and breathe.  And enjoy.  And I will be thankful for the blessings we don’t deserve in so many ways.

And mostly, I will be reminded that this time, although it is fun, has meaning because of Him {Jesus} and not because of anything I could ever do.

Baking our birthday cake for Jesus
Credit: Amanda Martinsen

Dearest mama, let us not miss it this year.  

I am praying this for you and so much more.  I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!


  1. Sweet Amanda, you've touched my heart with this one. I too am praying to be intentional this holiday season and I know what a challenge that is. Thank you for reminding me to stay present and enjoy the little moments that will quickly fly by. Wishing you blessings, dear friend!

    1. Thank you Marva! It was a great reminder for myself! I hope you enjoyed your holiday!

  2. This Christmas was all wacky because I was sick, but I know I lost focus many times throughout the season! I am so glad our "performance" is not what matters! Thanks for sharing your heart!

    1. I'm with you. I am so thankful our performances don't matter! I'm sorry to hear you were sick!

  3. LOVE THIS! This year i had so many plans for Christmas, but this year my father in law ended up in the hospital right before Christmas and passed away a few days after Christmas. This gave Christmas a whole new meaning, before all this i was so worried about making sure we bought this, wrapped that, baked this, or watched that. But when my father in law fell ill that all changed. It was about being with family when it mattered the most, enjoying the time we had left with my father in law. Christmas flew by, when i look back i dont remember all the stuff, but all the time we had together this year. Its bitter sweet! This is a great reminder!

    1. Oh Heather, I'm so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I can only imagine how hard that is to deal with, especially at Christmas. Will continue to pray for you and your family!


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