



Ministry Resources

Ministry Resources
Ministry Resources

A Prayer for Your Small Group

So many of you have expressed the same challenges and feelings with your own small groups as I had in my post The Beauty of Just a Few, so I wanted to take some time to pray over your small groups.  Would you join me in prayer?

Gracious Heavenly Father,

First and foremost, thank you for these leaders.  Thank you for their service.  Their dedication.  Thank you for their steadfast motivation to further your Kingdom.  

You see them.  You see their need for protection from the enemy's lies.  You see their need for assurance that yes, you have called them to this position of leadership.  Lord, would you cover my dear friends in grace and blessings?  

I know the frustration they sometimes feel in leading a small group.  I know the difficulties that often come with trying to do your work.  But we must press on!  Lord instill in us as leaders the ability to discern where you are calling us to next and how to help our groups grow in You.  

Help us to rise up as leaders and defeat the fear that the enemy throws at us.  We are your workers not his!  I pray prosperity over every leader that reads this today Lord.  We are your children.  We are your laborers of the harvest.  Keep our hearts and eyes fixed on you.

I pray for growth.  I pray for wisdom for leaders and participants.  I pray for a safe space for people to gather to worship you Lord.  This is a job you have entrusted us with and we shouldn't take it lightly.  

Thank you for your mercy and constant provisions!  You created us to worship together and to grow together.  What a gift!

I pray all of this in Your name, Amen.    

1 comment

  1. Wow, Amanda, what a blesssing! Thank you so much for taking the time to pray for me and for others in such a powerful way. God has heard our cries and seen our tears and he is using you to comfort us! Thank you so much for this, dear friend! May God bless you richly and strengthen you to carry on his work!


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