



Ministry Resources

Ministry Resources
Ministry Resources

Are You In?

You may (or may not) have noticed that I've been silent for a few weeks.  It's not that I haven't wanted to share things with you.  No, it's not even that I haven't had the time to write, I have.  It's because I've been waiting and I just felt the need to wait...in silence.

There's been so many times I've wanted to hop on here and share words with you, share with you the journey the Lord is asking me to begin with Him, but each time I've sat down to share these words with you, something has stopped me.  Be it the Lord, fear, hesitation, whatever it may have been, I just couldn't get it out.  But today, that's all changing.

Over a year ago, I wrote a post called The Stop Sign and many of you so graciously identified with my struggle and the desire to change it.  After that post I was determined to make a change in my life; for my health, for my future children, my family, my own approval, etc.  Well that time came and went and no change was made in my health.  I continued to eat the things I so dearly loved, craved even.  Any fitness or exercise routine I tried to establish fell at the waste side, or I should say my waist-line.  And all the while I went through each day desiring for that miraculous change in my body to take place, but not truly wanting to put the effort in to achieve that change.

I kept waiting for my rock bottom to occur.  You know, the one thing that would make me say "enough!" and I would never look back to the person I once was.  I so desperately wanted this moment to happen because I needed something, ANYTHING to shake me up and call me to change.

The problem with waiting on my rock bottom is that my expectations for what was my "bottom" just kept getting lower.   I thought when I went up a size in clothes it would do it, but no.  When I saw the highest number I've seen for myself on the scale, nope. The list could go on and on.

Because when the bottoms came, so did the excuses for those bottoms.  

See, this excuses thing for me has been going on for while now.  If excuses and I were dating, we'd be getting close to getting engaged now.  We are very familiar to each other.  I find comfort in excuses.

There's no way I can do it.  

I hate exercising.

I have so much weight to lose.

I'll fail.  

Ouch.  That last one stings me more than all the other excuses combined.  You see that last one, for me, has been my crutch.  I've rested on that fear of failing, because we all know, if you don't try...you can't fail.

Out of the many times and I mean MANY times I've tried to lose weight and get healthy, I've left one essential piece out of the puzzle.   I've completely left out the One who created my body in the first place, God.  Recently, I have felt like the Lord was telling me to step out in faith and take this journey WITH Him this time.  I have felt the Lord pushing me to step out and trust that He wants me to go through this process of change not just for health, but to grow stronger in my relationship with Him.  So while He's been speaking to me through devotionals, Bible Study, songs, and through examples of others, I've been silent...waiting for Him to tell me now is the time to jump in WITH ME.

It is with great excitement, trust, and for me, a major step out in faith moment that I tell you about the 5 week challenge that I will begin next week, called the Living and Active Challenge.   Click on the blog button below to find out more about the Living and Active 5 Week Challenge through Peak 313 Fitness! 


Each week I'll be writing and sharing with you throughout my 5 week journey to become not only healthier in body but spirit.  I trust that the Lord is going to reveal so many things about Himself to me and the reason behind Him placing this challenge in front of me.  I'll be posting about my trials and struggles through the process, as well as the victories and blessings that it brings.

I told my Acteens girls on Wednesday night that each time they saw me I wanted them to ask me how my challenge was going.  I want them to hold me accountable not only for the fitness challenge but for my memory verses and time in the word.  This isn't something I want to be silent about anymore.  We each have things that hold us back from fulfilling God's ultimate purpose for our lives and I believe this to be one of mine.  I spend too much time searching for the approval of others, not caring for my body as He designed it, and not including God in this battle I've had since childhood.

What's holding you back from a life full of God's blessing and purpose? 

What will your challenge look like?  For you, it may not be health related, it may be something else entirely and that's okay, but will you choose to take this journey with me?  Will you create your own challenge?

If you're in this 5 week challenge with me, leave a comment and say "I'm in!"  You can also write what challenge you're choosing for the next 5 weeks and we can pray over one another throughout the journey, but you don't have to.  I may fail at this and only complete 2 weeks, or I might go all the way, I don't know.  But I've got to learn to let God show me how my fear of failure can no longer be my crutch.  Now is the time to begin a new journey with Him and where this challenge and journey will take me, we will see.

So tell me...are you in?

To sign up for the 5 week challenge through Peak 313 fitness, simply head to www.peak313.com.

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