Christmas lights. Beautiful green and red colors. Manger scenes.

Photo Credit:
Do you hear what I hear?
Christmas carols. Silver bells. The cutting of wrapping paper.

I know you know what this means...
Christmas time is here!!
Photo Credit: Betsy Houin
Are you ready for it?
As the Christmas season approaches I tend to forget that right around the corner is the new year.
What does 2013 mean for you?
As you look back on the 2012 year, did you experience highs and lows? How did you get through them?
What was the best thing that happened to you this year?
Once we ring in the New Year, my husband and I will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of our baby girl, whom we expect sometime in the first or second week of January. I can't wait to see what the year 2013 holds for our lives, for our baby girl, and for this ministry.
Friend, is there something you want to accomplish this coming year? Something you feel God has called you to make a priority in 2013?
What are you looking forward to most this new year?
I pray that each of you will seek out God's will for your life in this new year. I pray that you will be blessed in abundance. And I pray that if you experience trials in this new year that God will bless you with whatever it is that you need to push you through them.
May all of you have a blessed and wonderful Christmas and a great new year!

Here's to 2013!
Blessings friends,
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